Context and distances
First visual impressions
Four different locations / topics
Concept development
Axo - Sport arena
Compositional plan
Section - detail of a path and bench
Sport Arena - Groß Schweinbarth
The project was carried out under the subject Objekplanerisches project at BOKU in the winter season 2018/9. The goal and the main idea is the design of open space - sport Platz in the village of Groß Schweinbarth, 40 km north of Vienna. The existing volleyball court is surrounded by a path and benches for rest. The addition to the composition are also topographic interventions in the eastern and western parts of the site. One of the hills serves as a fun stopping point for children that use the newbuilt playground in the central part of the site. The greenery within the site is reduced to high lease species and perches that fill the area and the area to the edges of the site. The surprise effect is achieved by entering the space partially blocked by vegetation and topographic interventions. At the same time, the view towards the central part gradually opens in a moment when the observer moves further to the center of the site.
Project : Sport Arena im Dorf
Location: Groß Schweinbarth - Austria
Status : Entwerfen studio - University project
Year : 2018
Institution : BOKU Wien